
A Visual Encyclopedia for the Workplace

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Cover Visipedia

About The Book

This Visipedia (visual mini encyclopedia) offers a wealth of practical knowledge made visible, accessible, and actionable through the systematic Visual Variation approach. It provides graphic answers to the pressing questions of today and this on four levels:

  1. Personal questions that will help anyone improve the way they work.
  2. Interpersonal questions pertaining key challenges in communication and collaboration.
  3. Institutional questions that deal with the working of organizations and their management.
  4. Technological and societal questions that address emergent trends and topics such as blockchain, quantum computing, but also issues such as sustainability or the circular economy.

What makes this knowledge compilation unique and particularly valuable is that it not only informs its readers by giving them answers to compelling questions. It also helps them reflect about the respective issues and connect it to their own situation or context. Each graphic explanation can be easily expanded or modified by the readers themselves.

Key Questions of Today Answered through Visual Variations

What’s inside


Clear explanations

Complex topics explained concisely with illuminating illustrations.


A great mix of topics

From business, management, psychology, technology, to ecology.


Stimulating questions

Build on the provided explanations by connecting them with your work.


A short Primer on Visual Variations

The appendix helps you build your own visual knowledge repository.

240 complex topics made clear

Learning Facilitation
Leading Humor at Work
Reasoning Communication Failures
Synergies Talk Traps
Creativity Presenting
Complexity Delegation
Letting Go Data Disagreements
Paradox Meetings
Lifelong Learning Project Management
Habits Conflict Resolution
Strategic Thinking Strategic Failures
Envisioning Risk Management
Starting Sales
Productivity Business Plans
Career Coordination
Resilience Trade-offs
Critical Thinking Constraints
Limiting Beliefs Monsters of Work
Regret Inclusion
Biases Investment
Intuition Change
Power Entrepreneur
Deep Learning Iteration
Reframing Abstraction
Unlearning Blockchain
Reviewing Quantum Computing
Asking Questions Technology Evolution
Trust Pragmatism
Negotiation Cybersecurity
Teams of Two Sustainability
Relationships Fake News
Persuasion Circular Economy
Motivation VUCA
Feedback Earth conceptions
Explaining Storytelling




About the author

Professor Martin J. Eppler, PhD, is a chaired professor of communications management at the School of Management of the University of St. Gallen, one of Europe’s top six business schools. He is a director of the Institute for Media and Communications Management and an advisor and trainer to organizations such as the European Central Bank, the United Nations, Swiss Re, and many others. He is the author of 24 books on visualization, creativity, and analytics and the inventor of numerous visualization techniques. He has been a guest professor at universities in the US, Canada, China, Finland, Peru, and the United Kingdom.

Martin J. Eppler

Other books by martin j.  eppler

Meet up! Better Meetings through Nudging (Cambridge University Press) - Winner of the getabstract International Book Award

Sketching at Work

Cover Life Design

Life Design


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